Wszyscy ci którzy czekali na patch do gry F1 2010 poprawiający niektóre błędy mogą już odetchnąć z ulgą. Na konsoli Playstation 3 oraz komputerach klasy PC po zalogowaniu się do sieci gra sama wykrywa dostępność patcha i go ściąga.
Lista rzeczy które poprawia patch i link do niego:
• "Pit-in" OSD indicator now appears after the player is advised to pit to repair car damage
• A number of shadowing improvements have been added
• Amended the time trial penalty system so that only players cutting the final corner on certain tracks will have their subsequent lap times invalidated
• Balanced the effects of the drying line created by cars when in a wet race
• Balancing improvements have been made to AI drivers to prevent unexpected race results
• Corrected an issue AI cars would not attempt to move out of the player's way when under a blue flag on an in / out lap during practice and qualifying session
• Corrected an issue where ABS would become enabled when selecting to "drive out" out of the pit lane in a race weekend
• Corrected an issue where AI cars would fail to respond appropriately when cars were either side of them in a corner
• Corrected an issue where AI cars would not be required to pit in a mandatory pit race after the use of a flashback
• Corrected an issue where AI times were being reported incorrectly on the first lap
• Corrected an issue where AI were being disqualified during wet races in Montreal
• Corrected an issue where car driving style was defaulting to "Wet" in network sessions
• Corrected an issue where damage to AI cars was being inconsistently applied
• Corrected an issue where disqualified AI cars would cause network races to end prematurely
• Corrected an issue where disqualified drivers were displayed in the incorrect order in the online race results screen
• Corrected an issue where flashback would become disabled after resetting to track
• Corrected an issue where incorrect race positions were reported in a network race after terminal damage had occurred
• Corrected an issue where lap and split times would be displayed incorrectly after flashing back to before the start/finish line
• Corrected an issue where pit engineer would fail to remind you to pit on mandatory pit stop races
• Improvements have been made to the pitting process to prevent the player getting stuck.
• Corrected an issue where positions of AI cars in a network race would be incorrectly displayed after a player quit the session
• Corrected an issue where punctured tyres would be carried across to subsequent sessions in a race weekend
• Corrected an issue where race strategy would fail to update correctly after the player manually selected a different starting tyre choice
• Corrected an issue where research path choice was not being carried over to subsequent season
• Corrected an issue where save data is reported corrupted
• Corrected an issue where sessions in progress would appear on the server list after quitting a network session
• Corrected an issue where some AI cars using a single-stop strategy would not pit during a mandatory pit stop race
• Corrected an issue where the dynamic racing line would not display correctly if the grip conditions changed
• Corrected an issue where the incorrect car name could be displayed above cars in the Grand Prix menu after completing a Time Trial race
• Corrected an issue where the player is told to copy their team mate's car setup
• Corrected an issue where the player was able to pass through other cars after restarting a session
• Corrected an issue where yellow flags would continue to be displayed for cars that had been removed from the race in network sessions
• Corrected an issue where user would be penalised for overtaking pitted AI cars when under yellow flag
• Made penalties less likely to be awarded after spinning out on the track
• OSD now displays time gap between cars on the sector and lap split times
• Reduced the frequency of penalty warnings given for minor collisions
• Reduced the frequency of punctures received from standard tyre wear
• Sector times for the car on pole position is now shown in the split times on the OSD
• Tuned the grip properties of the tyre compounds in different weather conditions
• A number of localisation issues have been resolved.
• Added benchmark mode from graphics menu
• Added native support for the “Leo Bodnar SLI-Pro steering wheel controller” circuit board
• Added support for AMD Eyefinity / Nvidia surround multiple monitor modes
• Added support for crossfire / SLI and multicore GPUs.
• Added support for DirectX 11
• Added support for Intel SandyBridge processor and graphics
• Added support for the Thrustmaster GT Experience steering wheel
• Additional (D-Box) motion platform support during pit stops
• AI cars now correctly reduce speed when damaged
• Changed default laps of fuel in practice and qualifying sessions to 10 and 5 respectively
• Corrected an issue where (D-Box) motion platform would stop functioning after using a flashback
• Corrected an issue where drivers of ghost cars became solid at certain camera angles
• Corrected an issue where force feedback would remain applied when restarting a session with full wheel lock used
• Corrected an issue where the driver head would bob extremely violently on certain machines
• Enabled access to the Advanced Wheel Options for all users
• The replay file can now be saved as an external file and played back within the game
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